Perspective: How It All Happened

So....the essence of your pithy and well thought-out post is not that there are any errors in the OP...

....but that you just don't care.

And that is the source of so very many of America's problems.

I will admit, I don't care about your peceived problems. I will say this; you need help. You should ask for it.

So....this was the carbon copy of your first post?

That was jejune....this, equally so.

Either you have no ability, or no work ethic.
But....that's who you are.

So....the essence of your pithy and well thought-out post is not that there are any errors in the OP...

....but that you just don't care.

And that is the source of so very many of America's problems.

Perhaps there aren't any errors, but you're just rehashing ancient history..., AGAIN!! WHY?!?! Could it be that Republican policy is indefensible? I assume, if you could defend it, you would. Since you apparently can't, you've decide to bore us with another "more of the same" diversionary post. It doesn't even belong in the 'Politics' forum, IMO. It's a 'History' post at best. *YAWN*

" Could it be that Republican policy is indefensible? I assume, if you could defend it, you would."

Try to be articulate.

What is the policy you'd like me to 'defend'?
So....the essence of your pithy and well thought-out post is not that there are any errors in the OP...

....but that you just don't care.

And that is the source of so very many of America's problems.

Perhaps there aren't any errors, but you're just rehashing ancient history..., AGAIN!! WHY?!?! Could it be that Republican policy is indefensible? I assume, if you could defend it, you would. Since you apparently can't, you've decide to bore us with another "more of the same" diversionary post. It doesn't even belong in the 'Politics' forum, IMO. It's a 'History' post at best. *YAWN*

" Could it be that Republican policy is indefensible? I assume, if you could defend it, you would."

Try to be articulate.

What is the policy you'd like me to 'defend'?

I'd like you to post messages pertinent to the forum. You're the one bent on obfuscation. I'm just suggesting a reason. As I said, one can only assume it's because the Republicans are indefensible. For a start, why did so many of the racist Democrats become Republicans in the 70s?
Perhaps there aren't any errors, but you're just rehashing ancient history..., AGAIN!! WHY?!?! Could it be that Republican policy is indefensible? I assume, if you could defend it, you would. Since you apparently can't, you've decide to bore us with another "more of the same" diversionary post. It doesn't even belong in the 'Politics' forum, IMO. It's a 'History' post at best. *YAWN*

" Could it be that Republican policy is indefensible? I assume, if you could defend it, you would."

Try to be articulate.

What is the policy you'd like me to 'defend'?

I'd like you to post messages pertinent to the forum. You're the one bent on obfuscation. I'm just suggesting a reason. As I said, one can only assume it's because the Republicans are indefensible. For a start, why did so many of the racist Democrats become Republicans in the 70s?

"You're the one bent on obfuscation."

But, inserted " Could it be that Republican policy is indefensible? I assume, if you could defend it, you would." it.
The Civil Rights bill was passed with a coalition of Northern Republicans and Northern Democrats. They defeated the coalition of Southern Democrats and Southern Republicans. The southern population of course blamed President Johnson, a Democrat, and soon began voting for Republicans. Which is ironic because a hundred years ago the southern population was hell bent on killing as many Republicans activist (giving Blacks voting rights) as possible.

"The southern population of course blamed President Johnson, a Democrat, and soon began voting for Republicans."

Isn't it amusing how many of the things you fervently believe, actually have no basis in fact?
The Civil Rights bill was passed with a coalition of Northern Republicans and Northern Democrats. They defeated the coalition of Southern Democrats and Southern Republicans. The southern population of course blamed President Johnson, a Democrat, and soon began voting for Republicans. Which is ironic because a hundred years ago the southern population was hell bent on killing as many Republicans activist (giving Blacks voting rights) as possible.

Did you have vodka or rye for breakfast?

If so, it quickened the Boo's factual accuracy on the subject to razor sharpness.

I'm not disputing his post, and enjoy his posts generally, but the modern Miss gop opposed efforts to keep Jim Crowe alive back in the 1970s. Since then, they've become overly enamoured with things like voter ID, and the original leaders have grown old. I think Haley Barbour might be considered too liberal by many

And btw if one is going to use the term darkie, it needs to be pronounced with a southie bah-stahn accent as in "dah-key."
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From the dark days portrayed in the Opening Post, moving ahead 50 years to the present day:

"Those goddam darkies are destroying America! They must be stopped! Vote GOP."

Sadly true.

imo merely a symptom. Bushii icked out a win and then scared the shit out of everyone to get reelected, and he left the party to the tea party. He pissed off the kids with Iraq. The gop was left with demorialized deficit hawks and people who voted for Reagan, which makes them old.

We're in a world where all the tanks and aircraft carriers exist merely to insure we can access markets, and our largest military competitor is china, which wants free markets. Our kids are increasingly multiracial and douldn't care less is someone is gay and have little use for the brick and mortor church. Drugs aren't an experiment anymore. It's scary to be over 55.
The Civil Rights bill was passed with a coalition of Northern Republicans and Northern Democrats. They defeated the coalition of Southern Democrats and Southern Republicans. The southern population of course blamed President Johnson, a Democrat, and soon began voting for Republicans. Which is ironic because a hundred years ago the southern population was hell bent on killing as many Republicans activist (giving Blacks voting rights) as possible.

"The southern population of course blamed President Johnson, a Democrat, and soon began voting for Republicans."

Isn't it amusing how many of the things you fervently believe, actually have no basis in fact?

PC, it is not a matter of belief. Since the Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964 the Republicans began to win more and more in the South and today it is their stronghold.

The south voted democratic at all levels for the next one hundred years. In 1948 Strom Thurmond, a Democratic Senator from South Carolina, ran for president as a "Dixiecrat" after disagreeing with Truman over civil rights. Truman won anyway, despite Thurmond's dividing the Democratic vote. This let the Democrats know they could win without southern votes. Then in the 60s Democrats Kennedy and Johnson angered the south by forcing desegregation and civil rights on the south (ignoring identical problems in the north), and the south turned Republican, joining the "party of Lincoln". Ideologically the parties had traded places in the century since the Civil War.

The voting patterns of the southern states after the civil war was nicknamed
PC is merely a squirrel mindlessly chattering as she scrambles after rotten acorns scattered across the grove.

The is merely a night breeze that means nothing about this issue.
The Civil Rights bill was passed with a coalition of Northern Republicans and Northern Democrats. They defeated the coalition of Southern Democrats and Southern Republicans. The southern population of course blamed President Johnson, a Democrat, and soon began voting for Republicans. Which is ironic because a hundred years ago the southern population was hell bent on killing as many Republicans activist (giving Blacks voting rights) as possible.

"The southern population of course blamed President Johnson, a Democrat, and soon began voting for Republicans."

Isn't it amusing how many of the things you fervently believe, actually have no basis in fact?

PC, it is not a matter of belief. Since the Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964 the Republicans began to win more and more in the South and today it is their stronghold.

The south voted democratic at all levels for the next one hundred years. In 1948 Strom Thurmond, a Democratic Senator from South Carolina, ran for president as a "Dixiecrat" after disagreeing with Truman over civil rights. Truman won anyway, despite Thurmond's dividing the Democratic vote. This let the Democrats know they could win without southern votes. Then in the 60s Democrats Kennedy and Johnson angered the south by forcing desegregation and civil rights on the south (ignoring identical problems in the north), and the south turned Republican, joining the "party of Lincoln". Ideologically the parties had traded places in the century since the Civil War.

The voting patterns of the southern states after the civil war was nicknamed

I have a question:
Now, what would/should the conclusion about your knowledge, your sources, your indoctrination be.....

....if I show that you are wrong?

Would it prove that you have been....misled?
And, if so.....about how many other of your deeply held beliefs would that pertain?

1. First of all, the Democrats didn’t pass the Civil Rights Bill of 1964. That bill, along with every civil rights bill for the preceding century, was supported by substantially more Republicans than Democrats.

2. Second, the South kept voting for Democrats for decades after that 1964 act. And, btw, Democrats continued to win a plurality of votes in southern congressional elections for the next 30 years…right up to 1994.
"GOP Poised to Reap Redistricting Rewards" by Michael Barone on - A Syndicate Of Talent

a. Between ’48 and ’88, Republicans never won a majority of the Dixiecrat states, outside of two 49-state landslides. Any loses in the South are directly attributable to their championing abortion, gays in the military, Christian-bashing, springing criminals, attacks on guns, dovish foreign policy, ‘save the whales/kill the humans environmentalism….certainly not race!

a. Rather than the Republicans winning the Dixiecrat vote, the Dixiecrats simply died out. By contrast, Democrats kept winning the alleged “segregationist” states into the ‘90’s. If states were voting for Goldwater out of racism, what of Carter’s 1976 sweep of all the Goldwater states?
Coulter, "Mugged"

Care to answer my question?
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PC is merely a squirrel mindlessly chattering as she scrambles after rotten acorns scattered across the grove.

The is merely a night breeze that means nothing about this issue.

I used to believe that you were merely a fool.

Of course, I was giving you far too much credit.

You are dishonest.....and a fool.

You've learned not to question my the veracity of my posts, as I prove you wrong- as I did this morn, establishing that only Obama used the IRS against political, being the gutter snipe that you are, you post about me rather than the facts.
So....the essence of your pithy and well thought-out post is not that there are any errors in the OP...

....but that you just don't care.

And that is the source of so very many of America's problems.

I will admit, I don't care about your peceived problems. I will say this; you need help. You should ask for it.

So....this was the carbon copy of your first post?

That was jejune....this, equally so.

Either you have no ability, or no work ethic.
But....that's who you are.

Either that or your post isn't worth consideration. But that's what you produce.

So tell me, is there any point to you leading the rest of your life if it's all about to be over? Perhaps you should do the world a favor know. I mean if your life and outlook is really this bleak and it has been for 5 years of so...what's the point.
I will admit, I don't care about your peceived problems. I will say this; you need help. You should ask for it.

So....this was the carbon copy of your first post?

That was jejune....this, equally so.

Either you have no ability, or no work ethic.
But....that's who you are.

Either that or your post isn't worth consideration. But that's what you produce.

So tell me, is there any point to you leading the rest of your life if it's all about to be over? Perhaps you should do the world a favor know. I mean if your life and outlook is really this bleak and it has been for 5 years of so...what's the point.

1. "Either that or your post isn't worth consideration." signed into it..... seems that you are easily led.

2. "So tell me, is there any point to you leading the rest of your life if it's all about to be over?"
I make no suggestion that I want you to die...

For several reason: One, I'm a better person than you are.

Two: I like providing facts and posts that make you uncomfortable, and leave you unable to counter them.

You haven't found any errors in the OP......
...that tends to prove its veracity.

I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it really works!
Vote for the shining beacon which is the GOP and we will clean up these fricking darkies, homos, ragheads, and spics the Democrats have allowed to overrun our precious land since those dark days half a century ago when they unleashed the mud people on us.

Papers! Papers, please!

Not holding back any punches today :lol:

Just how have the democrats helped the Black population in the last 50 years? :eusa_whistle:

They only gave them one broken promise after another broken promise.
carry on.....

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